2010. november 29., hétfő

Christmas. I can smell it in the air.

Ciao ne!

Awesome. I'm sitting here, in front of my cp, with a paper in my hand, and LEARNING. Actually learning.
Guess what? It's 'Jingle Bells'!
In Italian!XD Bloody hell what?
Ok, in fact it sounds adorable~

Guys, you know what. I hate the fact I live in the effing hottest part of this effing country! I hate it. I hate it so much. I can't wait to move out...... >_>;;
(It's raining. Not snowing. Effing raning! Oh bloody hell.....)


Tricky. No comment. I just simpy love him. (Isn't it a bit... egoistical? I mean.. to love my oc...)

This one's for a Christmas contest.:'3 Actually it'll have a background, but I'm lazy to do it yet. .3.;

Did I tell you how much I wish to learn playing the piano...? Now, I want to do it more..... ;^;

Okaaay, emoing time is over. Ciao! *waves*

3 megjegyzés:

  1. yeah i want snow tooo ;__;

    i think thats not egoistical to love your OC, i love my OCs too :D

    and that Iggy America picture is soo cuute
    Goog luck for the contest :D

    i want to learn piano too...and violin...and guitar x"D

  2. Nem vagy egyedül, én is havat akarok, hiába gyűlöli mindenki körülöttem...
    A saját karaktereit szerintem mindenki imádja. Az lenne csak a baj, ha gyűlölve rajzolnád őket D:

    Egyébként pedig: Tricky annyira aranyos. Mármint a kezei. Annyira jó a tartásuk. Imádom. Elnézést a fogalmazásért, borzalmas vagyok benne x')

  3. Uh.. What's up with the English suddenly?XD
    Indeed. Everyone wants it.T^T
    *sigh of relief* It's ok then, I guess.83
    Thankyouu!*hugs* Let's hope I'll finish it in time.QAQ;
    Well, so do I. But piano's the best... for me, because I have long fingers.X3

    Ugyeee? Olyan jó lenne! Szíííp fehér lenne minden...;^;
    A gond az, hogy már túlságosan imádom.X3
    Köszönöm!; w ; Úgy szerettem volna őket, mintha igazi kezek lennének~ ^^
